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8 april, 2020. More updates to Image Focus 1.23: new websites and some fixes.
22 december, 2019. Yet another Simple Address Book was born. This one is PHP-MySQL based, intended for personal use and open-source.
26 april, 2019. More updates to Image Focus 1.20: new websites and some fixes.
12 feb, 2019. Image Focus 1.19 adds support for more websites and fixes some broken ones.
18 june, 2018. Image Focus 1.17 adds support for,,,,,, and Also fixes an issue with
7 june, 2018. Image Focus 1.16 adds support for,,,,, and
26 april, 2018. Image Focus 1.15 adds support for,,,, and
18 march, 2018. Set iTunes Artwork From Google 1.0 is a script which sets the artwork for selected tracks in iTunes. It uses the file name as search term in Google Images, grabs the first result and sets it up as artwork for the track/s which didn't have a previous artwork (else the track will be ignored). It's a nice start point to start adding artwork to your iTunes Library. You can get it in the Goodies page. Please, read the Readme file carefully before going ahead.
19 january, 2018. Image Focus 1.13 fixes a couple of issues, the spanish localization and adds support for
16 january, 2018. Image Focus 1.12 fixes a couple of issues and adds support for, by popular request.
10 january, 2018. A long time without updates... I feel like I still need room for some freeware sharing, so here we go with a new invention, Image Focus 1.1, a Google Chrome extension which will increase your productivity.
29 july, 2011. MacHacha 4.0.1 introduces experimental support for Lion.
13 september, 2009. checkSum+ 1.5.3, quick update for Snow Leopard and a couple of upgrades. Previous version (v 1.5.2) for OS X 10.4 and 10.5, Intel and PPC, still available.
3 september, 2009. MacHacha 4.0 includes a couple of bug fixes and is re-compiled for Snow Leopard. Users of previous OSs, please stick using vers. 3.3
21 may, 2009. NewsLetter updated to 2.8.2, one fix and updated documentation.
5 may, 2009. NewsLetter updated to 2.8.1, includes a little fix and a sample applescript to automate NewsLetter.
21 march, 2009. Updated to add a real UI —and renamed— DVDSP SubPick, version 1.1, and a couple of changes.
20 march, 2009. I needed something to extract subtitles from DVD Studio Pro projects but I couldn't find nothing, so I wrote something called dvdsp_sub_extract and I thought you could use it if you need it, so it is now available in the Goodies section (AppleScript sub-category).
16 february, 2009. MacHacha 3.3 fixes a couple of bugs with the Hacha format and adds a preference to specify default location for new segments (see prefs window).
11 february, 2009. I recently purchased Bookpedia, and wrote a quick plugin to search the spanish database of MCU (Ministerio de Cultura), so I could catalog all my books using that ISBN search engine, instead of the one of Casa del Libro, which only contains newer ones. Take a look in the category "AppleScripts" of the goodies page. Aparte de eso, recomiendo a todo el mundo que añada a sus motores de búsqueda de la Bookpedia la base de datos de la BNE (Biblioteca Nacional de España), que cuenta con una interfaz Z39.50. Miradlo aquí. En Bookpedia, mirad en el menú Avanzado > Servidores Z39.50 e introducid como servidor "" y como puerto "2200". Y ya está. Pero comprobad primero esos dos datos en la página de la BNE, no vaya a ser que cambien la cosa...
14 december, 2008. NewsLetter updated to 2.8, includes a couple of fixes and a couple of addons.
25 november, 2008. checkSum+ 1.5.2, quick update for Leopard.
22 november, 2008. Today I'm in the mood, so a quick update to Rarify (0.8), fixing a bug and adding some extra preferences (on user demand ;-)
22 november, 2008. Quick update to Entourage Browser... Yes! Entourage Browser! It was never updated by Nichecrafters, so I'll re-take its development (though in the current conditions it will be a very slooooooooow development, if any at all). This new version 1.0b7 is just a quick Intel-ization of the app, so it runs much faster. You can find here as well the previous 1.0b6 version. The only change in Entourage Browser, when compared to the original, is that it is now freeware. If you download the previous 1.0b6 version, you will find inside a keygen. Not needed for the new 1.0b7. The main reason to update this app is so I (and you) continue using the backup function (which I in fact I've been using privatelly all the time in the last five years)... I didn't tested the other functions (the daemon and so on). Maybe in a future... Enjoy!
7 july, 2008. Strong update to Rarify 0.7, it is now my default application to create RAR files ;-)
4 june, 2008. MacHacha 3.2.1 (again, I was not satisfied with the previous 3.2.1), various tweaks to make it run again under OS X 10.4, work with newer Hacha files, etc.
27 june, 2007. MacHacha 3.2.1, little fix for the message "e;Can't handle files with Unicode names"e;. Only the binary has been updated, so don't look for changes in the docs nor web page ;-)
27 june, 2007. NewsLetter 2.7 now Intel.
9 june, 2007. MacHacha 3.2 Universal Binary!
10 march, 2007. checkSum+ 1.5.1, a little fix!
8 march, 2007. checkSum+ 1.5 is out, built as Universal Binary and adding loggin options. Enjoy!
28 february, 2007. Rarify 0.5 was born, a very simple interface for the Mac OS X version or the rar binary (RAR format) by RARLAB.
3 october, 2006. MacHacha 3.1 was born, after some time without updating it ;-)
1 april, 2006. Little fix to NewsLetter, recommended for all non-Entourage-users-of-NewsLetter.
30 march, 2006. NewsLetter updated to version 2.6, including some important changes, fixing some bugs and adding new features.
24 march, 2006. This is the last time I update this damn thing called commander. Enjoy it, injure it, improve it, or do whatever you wish.
29 january, 2006. Little update to this website (anything related to stats4all was removed).