1. Intro
2. Requirements
3. Install "commander"
4. What are these "modules"?
5. Get more modules
6. Install new modules
7. Create your own modules
8. License, bugs, history...
1. Intro
commander could be understood as a plugin for your mail client, which will read some special messages containing orders and will return a result to the sender in another email. I find it useful, eg, when I'm on holidays and suddenly I need some info from my desk. I look for a computer, send an email to commander, and get back that document I need or an address in my address book, or info about something I keep in a database. I also use it as Info Center, where users in a network or company can request info or execute actions simply sending emails to a mail address (eg, create PDF given a document or add an entry to a TODO list).
- "commander" is a compiled applescript.
- You can use "commander" only from a rule/filter in your email client.
- "commander" supports Mail and Entourage.
- "commander" will read the subject of incoming messages, looking for "commander?...".
- If it finds the correct syntax, it will execute a "module" with the proper "parameters".
- If the module is executed correctly, it will send back the sender of the message the requested info.
- "commander" is extensible. You can add more modules and create your own.
- "commander" acts as an information center. It receives orders by mail and returns results immediatelly.
Read about security within commander's own docs.
2. Requirements
commander requires OS-X and a compatible mail client (Mail, Entourage).
commander's modules may require additional software. See its help and/or documentation.
3. Install "commander"
There are two steps:
- run the installer and follow its instructions.
- run "commander Manager" included in this distribution, which configures "commander" and its modules.
Some modules require you to configure its settings, or they won't work. When you install a new module, use always "commander Manager" to configure it.
4. What are these "modules"?
Modules are synonim of "commands accepted and understood by commander". You can create or download a module called "sendMeInfo" (which already exists) and place it into your modules folder (see "Install more modules"), which adds a new capability to commander: you provide a search string, and it will send you back all it finds in a local database (an address book, for example).
Possibilities are infinite, since you can design your own modules (if you know AppleScript), to create and send you back a PDF from a Quark/InDesign document, restart a web server or shutdown the computer.
You can write your own modules (see "Create your own modules" below) or hire somebody to write them for you (eg, take a look to MacScripter's AppleScript Developers section at <http://www.macscripter.net/developers/>).
5. Get more modules
Actually, you can get more modules here. Or, better, use "commander Manager".
6. Install new modules
Use "commander Manager".
7. Create your own modules
You must know AppleScript. Read "Modules Developer guide.txt" in the commander's "extras" folder.
8. License, bugs, history...
"commander" is freeware. Use it at your own risk, etc.
"commander" is also open-source. If you modify/improve it, let me know.
Feedback to <julifos@mac.com>.
commander 1.1, march 24, 2006
- Various improvements.
- Add-on of "commander Manager".
- Now only for Mail and Entourage (removed MailSmith and PowerMail support).
- Updated docs.
- Most probably, the last release of this damn thing.
commander v. 1.0, november 25, 2003
- First public release. |