Simple Address Book

1. What is
2. Requirements
3. Installation
4. License

1. What is
Simple Address Book is... Well, you know, a simple address book writen in PHP + MySQL, intended for personal use. You can install it in your server and access it from anywhere. You can add contacts, edit, delete and search for them. There is support for name, surname, phones, addresses, emails, webs and personal notes, but in a very flexible way. You just type the info and that's all.

2. Requirements
Any server able to run PHP 5.6+ and MySQL 5+.

3. Installation
Download to your server and visit the location in your browser
, then follow the instructions.

4. License
Simple Address Book is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 and you can contribute to it by visiting the project on Github.

First release: December 22th, 2019.