1. Intro
2. Make it work!
3. Requirements, license, history...
1. Intro
HTML ImageShow will accept a bunch of images as input and will provide a HTML-JavaScript based Photo Album, with slideshow capabilities, suitable to put up on your web site (or host it locally, if you like ;-).
You can see a live sample here.
If you wish include your own show here for others to see, let us know!
2. Make it work!
First step: download and install ImageMagick. ImageMagick is a set of command-line utilities to manipulate images, and HTML ImageShow needs it to generate the thumbnails.
You can find lots of distributions of ImageMagick, but I recommend the package made by Marc Liyanage, which you can find here. If you wish more info, look for it at ImageMagick's home page.
To install Marc Liyanage's package, simply download, uncompress it and double-click the .pkg file.
Let's go now to HTML ImageShow's interface:
3. Requirements, license, history...
- ImageMagick.
- OS X.
Future plans include new templates, posibility to add custom user ones, more flexibility... And shareware!
You may not try contacting us about this product. But for feedback, suggestions, bugs, donations... Mail us!
License: This is a beta app. Here it works so far, but may freeze your system, delete all files in your HD or whatever disasters you can imaginate.
Anyway, HTML ImageShow shouldn't do nothing dangerous to your files.
HTML ImageShow v. 2.0b1, August 3, 2003
-Removed the dependence from ICS, substituted by ImageMagick, which makes image processing so quick & reliable.
-Code improvements.
-Little of cosmetic in the output HTML pages.
HTML ImageShow v. 1.0b1, March 3, 2003
-Brand new interface.
-This version no longer requires Extra Suites.
-Code improvements.
HTML ImageShow v. 0.2, February 25, 2003
-Fixed several bugs.
-Added ugly icon & version info.
-No longer released the classic version.
HTML ImageShow v. 1.0b1, October 28, 2002
-First beta release. |