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This site is under hard construction and some links will not be fully functional. For a while we will be chronically under construction, unless I find some time to design my own artwork.
19 december, 2003. There is an italian localization in the pipeline for the next release of mpc2aiff. Thanks go to Paolo!
18 december, 2003. There is a french localization in the pipeline for the next release of mpc2aiff. Thanks go to Laurent!
18 december, 2003. There is a german localization in the pipeline for the next release of mpc2aiff. Thanks go to Mirco!
If you wish make a localization, I need the following strings:
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Use Fink
Exiguous preferences for mpc2aiff
Beep when finished
Beep twice when finished
Move files to trash if successful conversion
If you have installed Fink, you must install «mppdec» into «/sw/bin/»
Sorry, I can't find my bundled copy of mppdec!
Choose mpc file...
Processing file
Files to process:
Error: file «
» not found.
Drop here mpeg-plus files
Click to remove selected
Click to add mpc files
Choose an output format
Click to join all your files into a single destination
Click to use Fink's mppdec version (if installed, of course)
Click to start process...
18 december, 2003. mpc2aiff has been updated to version 1.1. It adds some little GUI renices and optimization for Panther. However, if you feel comfortable with the previous versions, you don't need this one.
26 november, 2003. Greet commander, an extensible set of scripts which will turn your email client (Mail, Entourage, PowerMail or Mailsmith) into a powerful information center, cool features for your home or bussiness!
3 november, 2003. The new home page for Entourage Browser is now at NicheCrafters, its brand and cool new developer. Existing customers may contact directly to NicheCrafters' support.
10 september, 2003. checkSum+ 1.0.1 adds support for certain md5 files, under request of Mike Green, and enhaces the interface with some cosmetics.
18 august, 2003. mpc2aiff 1.0 bundles now mppdec 1.1, compiled for Mac OS X by Etienne Petitjean.
18 august, 2003. checkSum+ is a handler for md5, sfv and csv files, common checksum formats for files in the peezee world, newsgroups, etc. These files check for data integrity in files transmitted via Internet, burn to a CD, etc.
14 august, 2003. QXPScriptingAdditions Patch is a hack that fixes a problem with the scripting terminology introduced by "QXPScriptingAdditions.osax" (installed by default with Quark 6), which breaks the term "note", used in conjunction with "display dialog", from the Standard Additions osax.
13 august, 2003. webPageMonitor born some time ago as a helper to monitorize some web sites oftenly and check for changes, and now it is available to the public domain.
8 august, 2003. On user demand, now mpc2aiff 1.0b4 supports the newest version of mppdec, thought to be run under a Fink installation. Check mpc2aiff's docs to see a brief how-to to get a running version of mppdec 1.1-2 under Fink.
7 august, 2003. Posted mpc2aiff 1.0b3 update.
6 august, 2003. webSafeName 1.0.1 now lets the user choose the option to force lowercase characters in his file/folder names.
3 august, 2003. Take a look to HTML ImageShow's latest version, which improves performance thanks to ImageMagick and adds some little renices in the display. Now, you can also see a test page created with it.
2 august, 2003. We have a new bi-project, called easyPatch & LiveUpdater. The first one is a simple patch-maker. The second one is a framework to include a simple live-updater into the application/project of any developer. This is included into the easyPatch distribution, though it is a separate project. easyPatch was initially thought as a helper for LiveUpdater. It remains the same, but also have capabilities to create standalone updaters. It's interesting but, perhaps, a bit of rough.
1 august, 2003. Check latest version of MacHacha Pro (1.0.5), which now can join documents created with Hacha 2.8 (the newest version today). This update is free for all registered users.
27 july, 2003. webSafeName is a little utility made to make easy the life of any kind of OS-X webmaster. It will ensure that you use url-safe names in your files before upload them to the web. Check it free!
12 july, 2003. LiveTour 2003 born. Simple app monitorizes Tour 2003's movements.
14 may, 2003. Entourage Browser 1.0b6 fixes a timeout error in large folders and adds a new interesting feature to backup messages based on months and days.
11 may, 2003. Entourage Browser 1.0b5 allows you selectivelly backup messages older than a certain date.
10 may, 2003. Entourage Browser 1.0b4 adds several features to improve general performance, including the capability to generate custom daemons with customized settings. This is a recommended update for all users!
6 may, 2003. Entourage Browser 1.0b3, fixes a bug when working with multiple IMAP-Hotmail accounts and adds several features to improve general performance.
4 may, 2003. Take a look to Entourage Browser, a complete backup solution for your email messages, now adding support for IMAP and Hotmail accounts.
30 april, 2003. Finally shipped Entourage Browser, a complete backup solution for your email messages.
27 april, 2003. Pescados Software announces the immediate arrive of his new shareware product Entourage Browser, a nice app with a simple interface, which will help Entourage users to perform some basic tasks, such as back-up messages, download attachments to the hard disk, or preview HTML messages. Read more...
20 april, 2003. Great selfQuit update, adds some preferences for better performance. This final release (v 1.0) is also open source. Recommended update!
20 april, 2003. MacHacha Pro v. 1.0.4 introduces a limit for maximum chunk size (1,95GB), due to a general limitation in HFS/HFS+ volumes; plus fixes a silly bug when getting the original's file size. This version also includes a general FAQ to help user to choose the best format for every need.
3 april, 2003. Pescados Software launches selfQuit, a must-have tool in your desktop.
1 april, 2003. mpc2aiff 1.0b2 improves performance and adds capabilities to produce wav and raw formats, apart from aiff.
28 march, 2003. Let us to introduce you to mpc2aiff, our last brand new utility, a GUI for mppdec, which will decode any mpc file to aif format.
13 march, 2003. Posted a new fix for MacHacha Pro. This time time, we've fixed a bug/incompatibility with the MacOS shell when handling large files. Go and download version 1.0.3>
12 march, 2003. Posted a new fix for MacHacha Pro. Recommended update! This time we've added several code improvements, and better handling of large files. The old format called "Hacha/MacHacha" is now simply "Hacha".
5 march, 2003. Posted a fix for MacHacha Pro when splitting large files. Thanks to Danny.
3 march, 2003. New beta release of our HTML ImageShow, with a brand new interface.
2 march, 2003. Still switching to a PC to join and split files? Try MacHacha Lite or MacHacha Pro...
7 february, 2003. Do you need a cheap and efficient solution to manage your fonts? Try our Makarra 1.0b3
15 december, 2002. Create detailed bug reports with our freebie ASbug-Reporter...